Smart & Efficient
Transport Solutions
Ramrenta strives to be the premier supplier of smart, reliable and on time transportation services to customers in Europe and abroad.
Transport redefined
Transform your transport into smart, efficient and reliable, worry-free process.
Specialized fleet of trucks and professional drivers.
Caring customer support & your transport management.
Proffesionally and scale wise, we are always growing & evolving.
Smart transport
Lear more about ramrenta

Ramrenta is smart, efficient and reliable, land logistics/transportation solutions company, based in Lithuania – Kaunas, but operating around Europe and it surrounding countries. Whether you are small company, with a niche business product, or industry giant, with the most challenging transportation process – we are here to help you make that transportation process as worry-free, as possible, so you can focus on your main business processes. With years of experience in transportation industry, professional team of drivers and managing personnel, we have built a strong foundation and raised the bar for smart, efficient and reliable transport solutions. We strive for excellence, therefore your success is also our top priority. With our knowledge, we provide the best possible practices for your product shipment, to deliver it safely and promptly and on time. We love transparency, that’s why we immediately offer fair priced services. We offer various land cargo transportation, adr cargo transportation, refrigerated cargo transportation, temperature sensitive cargo transportation, intermodal cargo transportation, intermodal container freight transport, waste transportation, hazardous cargo transportation and tailor made transportation services. We offer many industry based transportation solutions, like agriculture transportation, consumer good transportation, manufacturing transportation, healthcare transportation, food & beverage transportation, construction transportation, retail products transportation, chemicals transportation, waste transportation and metal transportation. We also offer tailor made transportation solutions, special cargo, unique freight transportation and many more transport related services. Essentially Ramrenta transports any type of goods by road, including piece, bulk, and liquid cargo, Full Truck Loads (FTL) and partial loads/groupage cargoes, heavyweight and oversized freight, dangerous cargo and goods requiring transportation in specific temperature environments.

Ramrenta Transport GmbH
VAT: DE355602359
Falderbaumstr, 16a
DE-34123 Kassel, Germany
JSC “Ramrenta”
reg. code 303316387
VAT LT100008608414
Raudondvario pl. 150,
LT-47174 Kaunas, Lithuania
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